Esoterism Moat 4 Aluminum Bumper Case for iPhone 4S Review

There are many fantastic cases that protect your iPhone from dents and scratches, but a major flaw with most of those cases is the fact that they engulf your beautiful device in some form of material that detracts from the very reason why the iPhone caught your attention in the first place -- the aesthetics. Esoterism's Moat 4 brings protection in the form of an aluminum casing that shows off the front and back of the glorious mobile device while protecting it from any mishaps throughout the day. Check out the whole review after the cut!

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Ark Arkhippo 2 Bumper Case for iPhone 4S Review

Ark likes to make enormous cases for the iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S that are evidently self standing as a result of their massive mass. We're not just talking about bulkiness, we're talking sheer humongousness. Today we've got what might be the biggest, baddest most bulky bumper case for the iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S we've ever seen and reviewed. Ark's first iPhone 4 case the Arkhippo 1 had a distinctive old school look and absolutely no cutouts for any of the iPhone's buttons and ports. Ark spent a lot of time improving on its first case and came up with the Arkhippo 2 bumper case. Jump past the break as we explore this rare behemoth!  

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Graft Concepts Leverage Bumper Case for iPhone 4S Review (White)

We're lucky enough to get our hands on one of our favorite unique cases out for the iPhone 4S in snowy white, and doesn't it just look incredible? We think so. After our review of Graft Concepts' Leverage hybrid case in black right before it was made available to everyone else, Graft Concepts managed to finish up both white and black editions of the Leverage and they're all ready and willing to encase your iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S and make everyone around you jealous. Jump past the break for the full breakdown and pics!

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4th Design Aluminum Bumper Case for iPad 2 Review

4th Design is known for its one of a kind CNC machined aluminum cases and accessories for Apple's portable gadgets. What you may have not known is that 4th Design has made the first ever aluminum bumper case for the iPad 2. Even ElementCase, thought to be the current market leader when it comes to aluminum cases, hasn't even though about creating an aluminum bumper for the iPad 2. The demand for metal bumper cases has been tremendous for the iPhone 4, with many of them priced well over $100. 4th Design's iPad 2 aluminum bumper may not come cheap at $119, but it does present itself as a premium luxury item some may find really attractive. We've got one to test out for you before you drop your greens, so be sure to jump past the break for the full review!

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Graft Concepts Leverage Bumper Case for iPhone 4 Review

Over the last year we've literally seen a ton of bumper style cases come out for the iPhone 4, and while Apple's official Bumper case set the bar high with its quality and dedicated metal buttons, there hasn't been many bumper cases that changed the way we look at them until today. Graft Concepts has designed a totally new concept for bumper cases we all come to know with what they call the Leverage. I don't think I was wowed like this before when I first set my eyes on the Leverage. Graft Concepts wanted to bring iPhone 4 users a truly unique and fresh case without compromising the already beautiful good looks of the iPhone 4 itself. As we all know, looks aren't everything. So how does the Leverage fit amongst other similar offerings? Find out after the jump!

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Pinlo United Aluminum Hybrid Bumper Case for iPhone 4

Finally we get our hands on Pinlo's newest creation, the United bumper. It's a two-piece hybrid type of aluminum bumper case for the Verizion and AT&T iPhone 4 that doesn't use any screws and tools to get it on your iPhone 4. Simple yet very interesting looking. The United take on Pinlo's way of making very slim and thin iPhone 4 cases and it's the slimmest and lightest hybrid aluminum iPhone 4 bumper case I've ever tried. A hybrid aluminum bumper means one thing, better reception. Is that the case with the United? Find out in the full review right after the cut.

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Draco Design Draco IV Aluminum Bumper Case for iPhone 4 Review

Last month I've discovered a new design company in Japan that was getting ready to release an aluminum bumper for the iPhone 4 called the Deff Cleave, and it was like no other bumper case. Well now the Deff Cleave bears a new name for the American consumers and that is the Draco IV aluminum bumper case. Inspired by Deff Japan, the Draco IV is breathtaking. Never have I seen such uniqueness in a aluminum case for the iPhone 4. The Draco IV's curvatures are out of this world and may remind you of an exotic sports car you always wanted. Check out the full review right after the break as we dig deeper into this fascinating aluminum bumper.

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