Jawbone Up Review

What if we told you that you can track the way you sleep, what you eat and how it makes you feel, exactly how much calories you've burned off and how many steps you took to do so. The Up by Jawbone isn't another Bluetooth headset or speaker, it's a fitness band you'll want to wear regardless if you're into looking after your health or not. Jawbone's Up is a well lubricated system that can track your sleep, activity and eating habits with the help of software and hardware.

Fitness tracking gadgets never looked this good and that's a fact. Jawbone knows how to make the little things stand out and sound great, but will the Up band turn out to be the best $100 you'll be spending? Questions will be answered, sweat will likely not be sweated but the review is after the jump!

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FX Photo Studio Pro Photo Editing App for Mac Review

Are you looking for a simple way to add nice pleasing effects such as "Alien Skin" or "Ancona" but don't feel like having to do it all manually in Photoshop? If you are looking for a cheap and easy way to do this check out MacPhuns FX Photo Studio Pro, simple, sleek, fast way to add stunning effects to your pictures and give it some flare. You can pick up pro version off the Mac App Store for $39.99 or the lite version for $9.99. Check out the rest of the review after the break!

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Stem TimeCommand Alarm Clock Speaker Dock Review

With loads and loads of speaker docks made for Apple's expensive yet so desired products out on the market, shopping around for a good speaker dock can become an overwhelming and tiring experience. Like many of you, I too make my own research before running out and handing my hard earned cash for a certain product. Stem's TimeCommand is yet another speaker dock that combines an alarm clock into one package. The TimeCommand isn't just another speaker dock though, it's got a few features up its sleeve that I think makes this speaker dock well worth your attention. Full review right after the break!

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Angry Birds Rio Review

Angry Birds. Should I say more? We all know and love this game whether you use an iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, Android device or even a Mac. Smashing pigs with birds is so satisfying. Angry Birds Rio is a whole new game and it's not just new levels with added makeup like past Angry Birds editions, this time Rovio teamed up with the guys behind the new animated movie Rio, and came up with a whole new gameplay for the very successul Angry birds franchise. Angry Birds Rio is a fresh new game and you're going to love it. Catch the full review right after the break.

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BlueSLR Wireless Bluetooth Shutter Release for DSLRs

BlueSLR let's you wirelessly trigger your DSLR's shutter over Bluetooth and sort of be your virtual shutter button via the BlueSLR app. Not only will you be able to remotely trigger your shutter and take pictures but the BlueSLR dongle will also encode your pictures over GPS using your iPhone and iPad to stamp the coordinates, speed time and date into the picture's metadata. It even uses the iPhone's and iPad's compass to input direction information right into the picture file. Find out how well the BlueSLR performs in the full review right after the break.

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