Une Bobine: A Bendy Dock On A Flexible Stand

If the classic Apple docks are just too plain and simple for you, then FuseChicken’s Une Bobine is a great replacement for your iPhone docking needs. Simply stick it on the dock and bend the cable whichever way and angle you please. It also acts as a fantastic stand since you can manipulate it to fit all of your needs; placing it in front of you or in landscape mode lets you have a much more comfortable viewing angle.

This Kickstarter project has exceeded its funding goal and will be available for shipping around 2 months from now. If you can’t wait to get your hands on one of these, you can pledge $25 on Kickstarter to preorder this unique accessory. 


Diff, The iPhone 4 Case That Can Do It All?

Meet the iPhone 4 case that does just about anything you want. Well, only 8 things really but that's a heck of a lot for an iPhone 4 case don't you think? The Diff case for the iPhone 4 is yet another one of those Kickstarter projects waiting to come to life if enough people pay interest. This case offers 8 different nifty features, just check out the full list of goodies below:

  1.  Adjustable, Removable Sun Shade provides better outdoor screen visibility
  2.  Adjustable, Removable Privacy Hood for texting, tweets, social, web, email
  3.  Rigid Hard-Cover protects glass screen (snaps to front or back - your choice)
  4.  Two Brass-Treaded Tripod Mount holes (landscape or portrait)
  5.  Durable Phone Bumper protects phone if dropped
  6.  Shade/Privacy Hood doubles as KickStand (landscape or portrait)
  7.  Attach to Belt-Loop, Purse, Key Chain via Carabiner clip hole
  8.  Ergonomic “Corner Bump” offering more ways to hold & improved comfort & stability.

There you go, that's 8 useful features depending on your personal preferences. Well, granted some of these aren't really good enough to be considered as a full feature, but some of you may just find them useful enough to warrant a purchase. Some may even think this is simply too much stuff crammed into a single iPhone 4 case, while that may be true, the $30 pre-order price does seem tempting. Too bad the Diff isn't water-proof as well, then I would be sure to rack up a few. The Diff is definitely different.

Thanks for the tip, Cal!


Nir Schneider


Microsoft Kills Kin!


So just after 6 weeks after launch, Microsoft has thrown in the towel on the Kin project. So there will only be a Windows Phone 7 and no separate Kin product anymore as Andy Lees is moving the entire Kin into the core Windows Phone 7 team.

So why kill the Kin so soon? Well, Microsoft never confirmed confirmed (or denied) that only 500 Kins were ever sold or they've sold so few at launch that they are killing the mult-million dollar project which took years to develop. 

Another question, why did it fail? Simple, price. Verizon priced it as a smartphone, even though it clearly wasn't. And after cutting the one-off price dramatically, it didn't make the high cost of the monthly plan any sweeter. 

Here is Microsoft's official statement on the matter:

"We have made the decision to focus exclusively on Windows Phone 7 and we will not ship KIN in Europe this fall as planned. Additionally, we are integrating our KIN team with the Windows Phone 7 team, incorporating valuable ideas and technologies from KIN into future Windows Phone releases. We will continue to work with Verizon in the U.S. to sell current KIN phones."

My Twitter

Source Gizmodo


Microsoft Kinect Revealed

Microsoft's new Project Natal motion controlled setup official name was leaked today by USA Today, official name: Kinect. The official announcement, price and release date will soon be announced by Microsoft on E3 later this week.

Source Engadget


Nir Schneider
