Beats By Dr. Dre Studio Color Headphones Get Splashed With Color (Video)

Well look at what we have here, Beats By Dr. Dre has just released its first ever commercial featuring the new line of limited edition Studio Color headphones starring some seriously good Dubstep music courtesy of Nero, Dr. Dre himself and a whole lot of color splashing into faces in ultra slow motion for terrific eye candy. Video down below! Many Studio headphones were harmed in the making. 


Nir Schneider


Samsung's The Next Big Thing Ad Pokes Fun At iPhone Customers

Apple had its laugh for a few years when it was running its renowned Mac vs. PC ads, and now it's time for Samsung to have its fun and poke some of its frustration over at Apple with a new set of parody ads featuring its Galaxy S II with the massive 4.3-inch screen that makes the iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S look ridiculously small in comparison. Samsung's ad titled The Next Big Thing, shows iPhone users in desperate need of a larger screen and 4G speeds waiting in line for the iPhone 4S. 

Nir Schneider


TBS iOS App Ad Shows A 15" MacBook Air?

We're not so sure what's up with TBS using some sort of MacBook Air mixed with a MacBook Pro hybrid in its latest iOS app video ad, but it sure look good and makes us wish Apple's next redesigned MacBook Pro will hopefully sport a similar thin design. TBS wants you to download its new free iOS app so you could watch TBS shows right on your iDevice. The video ad showing the MacBook Pro/Air hybrid has appeared throughout TBS shows online. Very funny, TBS.


Nir Schneider


Apple Wants Its iPhone 5 Prototype Back (Video)

Apple really wants to find that missing iPhone 5 prototype and Conan loves to poke fun at Apple by making parody videos in similar Apple ad fashion. In case you've been living under a rock, Apple managed to lose yet another iPhone prototype in a bar and is currently doing everything it can to find it. 

Nir Schneider


Corning's New Gorilla Glass Ads

Corning's tough Gorilla Glass is found in many portable devices like the Dell Streak, Samsung Galaxy S and Galaxy Tab, and other various portable devices. Corning's new ads display the toughness of the Gorilla Glass which is now being used in kitchen appliances and LCD televisions like the Sony Bravia. The Gorilla Glass really is as tough as Corning claims with many tests users have done like stabbing devices using Gorilla Glass as screens with sharp objects. Unlike Apple's tough yet fragile glass screen found on the iPhone which can crack and break from a simple drop, Corning claims their Gorilla Glass is tough, damage-resistant, scratch-resistant and helps protect the coolest smartphones from everyday drops and bumps. If Apple's upcoming iPhone 5 will still be made from glass on both sides, I want some Gorilla Glass. Check out the new videos below.

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Verizon's First iPhone 4 Commercial

Verizon is getting exciting about their release of the iPhone 4 on their network, it shows in this ad doesn't it?

Nir Schneider


Best Commercial Featuring An iPad Yet

This commercial for the Newsday app for iPad must be the funniest commercials Iv'e seen to date. Are they implying that their app is bug free? You tell me. 


Nir Schneider
