Sensu's Two-in-One Paintbrush Stylus

With the release of the “new iPad,” Apple has attracted the attention of many artists. App developers are creating more and more apps for drawing and note-taking. It is difficult to create quality artwork just by using your fingertips, so Sensu created a new product solving that exact problem. The Sensu Brush is both a paintbrush and traditional stylus fused together into a lightweight and attractive design. This modern tool will be a great addition to your iPad and will be available in May for $39.99.


Stylo Aluminum Stylus, The Future Of All Styluses

Another stylus made for the iPad 2 and other capacitive touchscreen devices was introduced to the world via Kickstarter, only this time it's different. While many styluses on the market were designed after a pen or pencil, the Stylo looks like it has been designed in the future. Instead of creating a rounded rubber tip which almost any stylus now days has, the guys over at Just Think Design thought this one out hard and long and designed the Stylo stylus to have a dual-end double slanted flat rubber and foam tip design and a streamlined aluminum body with built-in rare earth magnets so that it can magnetically cling onto the iPad 2's bezel or Smart Cover for easy storage and transport.

The Stylo is heading towards the right direction with forward thinking and different approach to what styluses today are able to bring to the table. There's no knowing whether the fixed angled tip of the Stylo works better than the more traditional ball point tip, we'll just have to wait and see. You can pre-order the Stylo in silver and black for $20 over at Kickstarter. Video after the jump!

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Arctic's Aluminum Architect Stylus Makes All Others Jealous

Up until now, I thought styluses couldn't possibly get more creative and unique. That has changed with the Architect stylus though. The Architect stylus by Arctic is a designers stylus designed to work with all capacitive touchscreen devices using a soft 7mm silicone rubber tip offering a smooth, silent and accurate writing and sketching experience. The Architect was designed to have perfect balance in the hand using a rounded style body much like the Adonit Jot stylus, and constructed using anodized aluminum with simple clean lines and a distinctive twisting protective tip cap featuring a black lanyard loop hole. This is one good looking stylus if you ask me.

It's now available to pre-order for a special pre-order price at $22.95 with expected shipping in mid November. Video after the break. And please try to keep your attention focused on the stylus.

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Meet The Zeppelin, A Missile-Like Capacitive Stylus

We've got yet another incredibly interesting capacitive stylus straight out of Kickstarter that targets Adonit's Jot stylus in hopes of shooting it down with its missile looks. The Zeppelin stylus is made out of machined solid aluminum with a contoured body shape, but its secrete isn't the missile style cap that serves as the Zeppelin's protective tip cap, but also as a visually appealing rocket stand. The tip is made out of a coiled teflon coated tempered stainless steel with a sprint base that allows for multiple writing angles and eliminates any clicking and tapping noise on the iPad's glass touchscreen, unlike the Jot's plastic disk that makes a quite audible tapping sound we've discovered while reviewing it.

The Zeppelin's stainless steel coiled tip is said to offer an ever clearer, unobstructed view for more precision over the Jot's clear plastic disk and ball point tip. Built-in magnets allow the Zeppelin to magnetically cling onto the iPad 2's bezel. In any case, the Zeppelin is available to pre-order for $25 and should retail for $59 once the Kickstarter funding is successful.

Thanks for the tip, Ken!


Nir Schneider


Adonit Jot Stylus, World's Most Accurate Capacitive Stylus?

Adonit, the same guys who successfully brought you the Writer and Writer 2 keyboard folio case for the iPad and iPad 2 thanks to Kickstarter, have now developed a stylus to go along with the theme called the Jot. The secrete behind the Jot capacitive touch screen stylus made from aluminum and steel is in its tip. A precision thin, clear disk tip allows you to see exactly where you point your tip on the touch screen and get a more precise input while the ball point lets you comfortably use any angle. I swear I've seen this sort of stylus tip somewhere before. The Jot will be available in two flavors, the standard Jot stylus will come in 5 different colors while the Jot Pro will be available in more professional looking silver and black colors. The Jot Pro stylus will also feature a magnetic cling that can be attached to the iPad 2 and a rubber finger grip. 

The Jot stylus is set to retail for $18, and the Jot Pro stylus is set to retail for $30. You can pre-order yours over at Kickstarter at a discounted pre-order price.

Update: We've already got a review up on both the Jot and Jot Pro stylus right here.


Nir Schneider


Maglus Aluminum Stylus Is Magnetically Awesome

What looks to be the newly found half brother of the AluPen stylus, is the Maglus aluminum stylus for the iPad 2. What so different about the Maglus stylus is that you probably will never lose it as it's magnetic and can attach to the front and back of your iPad 2. Using a Smart Cover? Not a problem, it can attach to that too. Where can you get this magical stylus you ask? Well it's currently being funded over at Fund It, similar to Kickstarter, and it will retail for €24.99 (that's about $36), but if you help fund the Maglus via Fund It, you can grab a Maglus stylus for €15 (about $22). Check out the Maglus in action right after the cut. 

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